Soap Hunk Lover/Soap Addict

Saturday, May 17, 2008

SOD-April 22 Issue

I'm sure many of you soap fans have read the main article in the April 22 issue of Soap Opera Digest titled "You Sexy Thing" where some of the soap hunks talk about what's sexy to them and said what their porn star names were (which would the first name of a pet and the name of the street they grew up on). I don't know about you if they were in porn with those names they would most likely be in the Playgirl DVDs. If the soaps don't work out for them, they would either do porn with their porn star names or be male strippers. In case you wanna know what soap hunks to which porn star name they had, here's the list:

Joshua Morrow (Y&R)- "Spunky Mountain View"
Galen Gering (PASSIONS)- "Grunter Canyon"
Kamar de Los Reyes (OLTL)-"Duchess Ginger Tree"
Daniel Cosgrove(GL)-"Musket Bliss"
Billy Miller(AMC)-"Buster Bishop"
Jay Kenneth Johnson(DAYS)-"Peachy McCann"
Kyle Lowder(B&B)-"Kaiser Stanford"
Agim Kaba(ATWT)-"The 94th Street Ranger"
Sebastian Roche(GH)-"Minou de la Nairie"

If you ask me, some of the names are kind of funny! Let me know what you think.


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